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Season 2024-2025
Member Information

Member Expectations

  1. Rehearsals – be seated and ready to play at 7:15 p.m. If you are unavoidably late, please be seated and ready to play with minimal disruption.

  2. The director and board officers will communicate with you verbally during rehearsal and by email. Pay attention during rehearsal and check your email often.

  3. Your primary goal is to play the assigned music well. That goal is accomplished through a combination of rehearsals with the band and individual practice. You are expected to practice each piece of music until you are proficient in playing that music (correct notes, articulation, tempo, dynamics, etc.).

  4. During rehearsal do not talk or play your instrument while the director is talking. Each member needs to hear and understand what the director is communicating.

  5. Members are expected to always conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner.  A member may lose his/her membership if his/her behavior becomes disruptive to other members or impedes the ability of the BVCB to effectively rehearse and perform.  For more details, see the BVCB Code of Conduct, posted on the band website.

  6. The director is responsible for conducting rehearsals and concerts. If you have a question or comment about the music selection, tempo, or other musical interpretation of the selection, talk to the director before rehearsal or after rehearsal, NOT during the rehearsal. There may be times you have a question during rehearsal. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized by the director.

  7. Per our by-laws, members are asked to pay dues in the amount of $20 per season.  Designated seasons are January to June, and August to December. Dues can be paid via via PayPal by clicking the ‘Support Us’ button on the website, or directly by cash or check given to any officer. The proceeds will be used to defray operating expenses (insurance, website hosting, venue rental), new music purchases and other expenses deemed necessary.


The caliber of the band’s performance is directly related to at least three things:

  • The director’s expectations, which he will communicate to us.

  • The quality and effectiveness of our Monday rehearsals.

  • Our individual practice, necessary for effective rehearsals and performances.


Let’s have a great, enjoyable, and fun time playing music together!

We are members of this band because we enjoy playing a variety of music with other people. Band members have a background of varied life interests and pursuits, but we all have a common goal of performing well, both individually and collectively. Our enjoyment of playing together increases as we become more and more proficient in playing and performing the music.

The band is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, governed by processes and procedures described in The Brazos Valley Community Band Constitution and Bylaws. That document is available to any member upon request to the band president. Our band website is; our band email is info@ This document and the BVCB Code of Conduct are posted on the website.

Our director and Board of Directors are as follows:

  • Director:  Dan Siegert

  • President:  Bill Perry

  • Vice President:  Richard Alexander

  • Secretary:  Julie Anna Clark

  • Treasurer:  Bryana Childers

If you would like to contact the director or member of the Board of Directors, please email:

➢     Rehearsals are held on Mondays, 7:15 – 9:15 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church on Rock Prairie Rd. in College Station.

         Occasionally this schedule will change – you will be informed.

➢     Concerts for 2023-2024: To be determined and announced.

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