The Board
Who We Are

Dan Siegert
Band Director
Music has always been the defining passion of Dan's life. At the encouragement of his step father, Dan started piano at the age of 5 where he quickly grew and excelled as a young musician. He then transitioned to trumpet during his middle and high school years where his love of wind ensemble literature developed. Dan graduated from Midwestern State University with a degree in music education and promptly started working for Wichita Falls ISD as a middle and high school band director for 6 years. About this time, he met his soon to be wife, Ashley and plans were made to move closer to central Texas to start their life together. Dan continued his teaching career in the Brazos Valley area directing bands in the Navasota ISD for 7 more years only to be retired early by his wife's entrepreneurial successes.
Dan continues to exercise his musical talents throughout the area by both performing with local organizations and providing private lessons. He also assists with the direction of the Texas A&M Hullabaloo pep band along with being a guest clinician and judge throughout the area. Outside of music, Dan is a devoted stay-at-home-dad for his son Owen and enjoys a multitude of personal hobbies including: traveling, learning to cook, video games and Taekwondo.
Bill Perry
Board President
Bill has been playing a musical instrument for over 60 years, starting on the clarinet in the fourth grade in Renton, Washington. Later in school he switched to tenor saxophone which he continued to play through two years of college, including one trip to the Rose Bowl with the University of Washington Husky marching band.
After a 20-year absence from formal music, he became a charter member of a community band in Renton, Washington. He continued playing in as many as three community bands, a week, for several years playing while working during the day and attending night school to finish a college education. Bill always noted that playing in the bands was the best way to relax while managing a heavy schedule. He was also heavily involved, both as a member or board member, in four different community bands in the Seattle area over the years.
After moving to Texas in 2003, there was a brief time when he was unable to play in a formal group, until he discovered the Communities in Concert Band in Rockdale where he has played a variety of instruments as needed. He learned of the Brazos Valley Community Band in 2015 through a member who was also in the Rockdale group, and promptly joined. Within a year he was elected president of the group, a position he currently holds. Music has always been a part of his life. During the 20 years he was not in a formal band, he continued to practice by playing along with a recording made when he was a member of an all-star regional band during high school. Bill enjoys playing good music, playing it well, for an appreciative audience, and believes that the Brazos Valley Community Band can provide that musical outlet.

Mitchell Barry
Board Vice President
Mitchell is a locally-grown Aggie and passionate euphonium player. Throughout grade school, he placed first chair 5 times in the ATSSB All-Region Band. Of the 4 times he advanced to Area, he placed first in both the Area and All-State Bands for 3 consecutive years.
As an undergraduate at Texas A&M, Barry earned a position in the university’s finest concert wind ensemble, the Texas A&M Wind Symphony, under the direction of Dr. Timothy Rhea.
In May of 2023, Barry graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physics with a concentration in Astrophysics. Today, he is a Research Engineer at Texas A&M Center for Applied Technology and a dedicated member of the BVCB, still performing on his father’s circa 1974 Besson euphonium—the same instrument he started on over 12 years ago.
Bryana Childers
Board Treasure
Bryana’s musical journey began quite inauspiciously in the seventh grade when she couldn’t even make a sound on her new flute. But she didn’t give up, and after three weeks of nothing, it finally clicked! Thankfully, things picked up after that.
Playing in junior high, high school, and college gave her the opportunity to meet many good friends. Several of her friends from the West Texas A&M University Band still meet and travel together. Playing the flute as an elementary teacher and playing in churches continued to give her an outlet for her love of music.
Bryana read about the Brazos Valley Community Band in the newspaper and decided to give it a try. Well, nine years later she often asks people she meets, “Do you play a musical instrument?” Often the response is, “Well, I used to many years ago.” She always tells them, “If music is in your heart, it wants to get out!” Several of the BVCB members hadn’t picked up their instruments for years, but now they are enjoying the rehearsals, the individual practice needed, and the relationships formed with other musicians.
“I am thankful for the God-given ability to play a musical instrument and for the opportunities I have been afforded to share that gift,” says Bryana. She would encourage you to join the band and be a part of something that gives great joy to so many people.

Marla Holcomb
Board Secretary
Coming Soon!

Oscar F. Chaparro
Public Affairs Coordinator
Oscar has been actively involved in music performance for over 35 years. His musical journey began in fifth grade when he joined his public school choir. In sixth grade, he picked up the alto saxophone as part of the school band, later transitioning to the tenor saxophone in seventh grade.
After high school, Oscar continued his musical pursuits with the Sound of West Texas A&M Marching Band for a year before enlisting in the U.S. Navy. Throughout his naval service, he brought his tenor saxophone along as he was stationed across the United States. On various bases, he played with church choirs and, in 2003, sang with the Norwich Diocesan Choir.
In 2006, Oscar discovered community bands, although his Navy duties initially prevented him from participating. After his honorable discharge in 2008, he embraced civilian life and resumed his musical endeavors. In 2011, he joined the Lone Star Symphonic Band in Katy, Texas, playing with them for a year before relocating. The following year, he became a member of the San Antonio Symphonic Band, where he performed for about 18 months.
Oscar’s vocal talents also led him to the Central Texas Choral Society, where he sang for two years starting in 2018. In 2022, he joined the Brazos Valley Community Band. Reflecting on his lifelong connection to music, Oscar shared, “Music has always been part of my life. It gives me a chance to interact with different people from various playing and singing levels. It has allowed me to create memories that I will cherish.”